Monday, July 16, 2007

Recipe for the future

Recipe for the Future...
Ever wonder what the key ingredients to your future are? Well there are quite a few, in fact, the more I think, the more that come to mind… such as: goals, faith, drive, respect for self and others, patience, and our pasts…

Our pasts play an important role in who we are and what we will become… Even if we are nothing like what we use to be, our pasts still led us here.

Deep within me, lies that place that I often run from. It has been traveling with me for a long time and has no intentions of departing… It holds everything in my life that didn’t go the way I intended it to go. It contains dreams that lost hope, and feelings that lost meaning. It places each tear I cried with a memory. It is where my fears roam free and my pain resides.

Besides the sorrow, it gave me strength, self-worth, and dignity. It has shown me that I am a mother, a lover, a survivor, and so much more. It has taught me to appreciate even the most simple of things in life. It taught me not to let my pride become cockiness. It has made me into the respectable young woman and proud mother I am today.

I am constantly growing because of it… graciously, it allows me to learn from it, and I am grateful for that. It continues to push me to steadily rise to the top, like cream. Through the good, the bad and everywhere in between, it has been with me, building a path for me to follow, one “brick” at a time. I will appreciate it now while I may still use it, because one day it might not be available to me. I will teach my son & others willing to listen with it, as a tool to see what I already have. It has made me who I am today. I will not leave my past behind me.

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