Monday, July 16, 2007


Death comes in all shapes and sizes... sometimes you don't have to be physically dead to be dead inside.
The cold feeling in the pit of my stomach is quickly traveling through my heart... it feels as if it is going to splurge out of my mouth if I let out a cry. I try to hold it back with all my force... but the cold feeling is stronger than my mentality. It is consuming my heart, mind, and soul at an unexplained speed. When will it end?
I don't want to be here... yet I don't have anywhere to go. How can I run from this feeling that is deep within me? My heart is now fully consumed. My mind is almost gone. And my soul... I cannot even feel it.
I'm drowning... I cannot breathe. It has taken over me. My thoughts have gone completely dark... there is no sign of light. My calls are going unanswered.
What felt like heaven, has now turned to my hell... More than wanting, I NEED to be saved.

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