Monday, July 16, 2007

Fear not

I realized something today... I learned something about myself that will change me for the rest of my life... I finally understand why I am the way I am... I am not afraid of love... I am afraid of having my heart broken.
So now that I have figured this out, what do I do? Where do I go from here?
I'm so tired of crying... when will the tears stop flowing down my face? These sleepless nights of wondering why just aren't fair. After all, I have done nothing. I feel as if I am being punished or if a curse is placed upon me...
I want to feel the satisfaction of unconditional love so badly I could almost taste it. But I love myself too much to accept just anything... I must demand only the best... only true love. Love that cause drama or is possessive. No, I require a pure love... filled with trust, honesty and respect.
I desire this love... but I am not desperate for it.

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