Monday, July 16, 2007

The beat of a broken heart

Do you ever notice that when you are in love your heart beats a million times per minute... but when you are hurt by the ones you love, it seems to beat a million more? Or what about when you are so in love you feel like your walking on air... but when you get hurt you suddenly cannot breathe?
I once read that the three words needed to hold a relationship together were not "I love you," but infact "I am sorry." I believe that to be true. But then why is it that those words aren't always used? Why are those three words feared so much? Sometimes all that is needed is to hear those words. The three words and then to NEVER do it again. If you do say sorry, and then do it again afterwards, you take the meaning out of the words, and then they become just words.
If you really love someone, and do not want to loose them, and you really honest to GOD are sorry for any wrongs... say the three words that will keep your love alive. Say, "I am sorry." And more than that, be sure you do not do it again.

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